31 May 2006

Lazy Blogger

I admit I'm a lazy blogger. I haven't posted anything here for a while. Although I bloghop a lot, I can't seem to bring myself to type an entry.

We've watched The Da Vinci Code and X-men last week. We've watched four movies this month.

Being momzilla
Okay thats mom to be for me. I've been doing a lot of research on the stuff we need (and I like to buy) for our little one. Thanks to Aggie for being so helpful, we've been discussing (or should I say I've been bombarding her with questions) about baby things. I know its too early to buy those things yet but its the Great Singapore Sale and almost all shops/malls are offering their items at discounted prices. The sale will last till July so I'm thinking instead of waiting til I'm 32 weeks (August) we could shop for baby stuff a month ahead while it is still GSS.

Hitting the halfway mark
I'm officially 20 weeks pregnant!!!! I'll be having my 20th week detailed fetal scan in a few days, I hope we would find out the gender of the baby this time.

Thanks for visiting my blog...
I'll link you up too...leave your url on my tagboard :)
yna (xeans aderhaf)
Thanks for dropping by yna and for the compliments on my LOs, try mo rin its addicting
I'll answer your tag soon...
Hi Nette! I'm okay now...already 5 months and couldn't be more excited.
You'll have your little one too...like you said in God's time
Thanks for dropping by :)

23 May 2006

Surviving the first three months of motherhood

Katherine Scrimshaw

I'm sure you've been told by now that parenting will come naturally to you. That you, like every mother before you, will know instinctively what to do from the moment you first gaze into your baby's adoring eyes. And that is absolutely true, for five women (maybe six). But, for the rest of us, diving into motherhood is a tumultuous, overwhelming experience filled with joyful bliss yes, but also with bouts of doubt, anxiety, and even despair. The first three months of your baby's life are also likely to be the most emotionally and physically demanding three months of yours. Being prepared can go a long way to making this time so much easier. Here are a few of the things you may encounter on the road ahead of you.

Vulnerability: The vulnerability you feel when pregnant is nothing compared to the outright paranoia that settles in once you have that totally helpless little bundle of perfection in your arms and it strikes you that you are the one thing standing between it and death. When my son was about a week old my husband took him out for a walk so I could rest. Rest Ha! I was glued to the window for the entire time waiting to spot them rounding the corner, and finally there they were. My relief was short-lived, however, when I saw a woman who was obviously violently insane lurching down the road toward them. My husband was looking right at her and doing nothing, NOTHING!!! She was just seconds away from stabbing them both to death and there he was, smiling away like he didn't have a care in the world. The crazed homicidal lunatic (or innocent passer-by depending on your own personal sanity level) passed them by, of course, quite uneventfully. Just remember, no matter how convinced you become that a spider is going eat your baby or that the little blemish on his otherwise perfect butt is some form of baby cancer, you will learn to relax in the knowledge that your instincts are indeed enough to keep your baby well.

Sleep: You may get one of those babies who start sleeping through the night at three weeks. Again, there have been five such babies – with rumours of a sixth somewhere in the South Pacific. Most likely for the first few weeks you will be awake every two hours or so. Even if you have no other responsibilities and plenty of helping hands, the lack of a good solid stretch of sleep can be devastating. It will affect your mood, your stamina, your emotions, and your ability to focus, and operate complex machinery, like the radio. For some reason our society treats sleep like some sort of luxury that only the weak indulge in. The truth is, sleep deprivation takes it's toll on all of us. No one is immune. So, get as much as you can and be kind to yourself when you start to fray a bit around the edges.

Diet: Right now, while your little bundle of joy is still stomping on your bladder and wrestling with your rib cage arrange to have a freezer full of heat and serve meals like casseroles and lasagna. Odds are you won't have much time to cook, and when you do you won't want to. But you will be hungry, particularly if you are nursing. Growing a human being and squeezing it out into the world takes its toll physically. You will need lots of easy to prepare, nutritious food. I recommend particularly a stash of your favourite comfort foods. As for dieting, the first three months are a time to make sure you are eating well. Give yourself time to recover physically and settle into motherhood before beginning any sort of diet. You will probably, at some point during the first couple of weeks, take a good hard look at your naked body and cry louder than your baby. Please be kind to yourself and remember that in order to make room for your baby your body accomplished some strange and magical things; organs shifted, bones spread and your hormones made their presence known everywhere. It will take a little time for your body to go back to its humdrum life of one. Wait for the dust to settle, and let a little healing happen before you start trying to whip yourself into shape.

Advice: You may not have received the Diaper Genie you were hoping for. Or many offers to do your dishes, or even the free sample of Diapers you signed up for weeks ago but one thing that I guarantee you will get plenty of is Advice. It will come from friends, family and strangers on the street. Some will be good, some bad, some irrelevant and some downright weird. My advice? Just smile, say thank you, take the good and toss the rest. Even the baby experts out there disagree on the 'best' way to raise a child, it comes to a point where you just have to trust that you know best what works and what doesn't work for your baby and for yourself.

Mood Swings: If you find yourself overwhelmed by joy and feeling like the luckiest woman on earth that is no guarantee that five minutes later you won't be sobbing uncontrollably wondering why you ever thought that you could do this Mother gig. You aren't technically insane, just adjusting to the physical, emotional and social upheaval you are experiencing. Everything in your life has been turned on its head, you are exhausted and emotionally charged and your body is a chemistry experiment of hormones all running rampant. Enjoy the highs and weather the lows. It will settle down.

Daddy: It is so easy as a new Mom to take all the care for the baby on yourself. Your baby has been part of you for over nine months. Giving that fragile little thing over to another's care (even to your partner) can feel almost negligent. DO NOT GIVE INTO THESE FEELINGS! The sooner your partner feels comfortable with your baby the more relaxed you can be about actually taking a shower now and then or maybe even leaving the house! It may seem in these early days that when it comes to caring for your infant that having it done right (meaning of course, your way) is all-important. But, trust me, if you can bring yourself to let your partner take the baby out wearing a red sweater, a pink hat and orange polka dot pants, the future rewards are worth it.

Housework: If you can afford to hire a maid service, do it. If you have an abundance of friends and family you can press into service, do that. If you have neither, then do just enough to keep the rats away and forget the rest. Your baby does not care if your furniture has been dusted or if your carpet is linty.

The first three months of your baby's life are an amazing, truly magical time. And they whip by with tremendous speed. Make the most of them by asking for help when you need it and by mothering yourself a little as well. The Armed forces got it all wrong this is the hardest job you'll ever love.

21 May 2006

Layouts Done

Hubby's really pleased with these shots, he's still learning the functions of our H1 but still these are great pictures!
Credits:Bookplate from April Day Kit by Andrea Burns of The Digichick
All papers, elements and alpha from Spring Fever Kit by The Digichick Designers
Torn Paper Action by Atomic Cupcake

Credits:Bright Part Deux Kit by Andrea Victoria of Sweet Shoppe Designs
Fasteners from Pastel Posies by Andrea Victoria of Sweet Shoppe Designs
Torn Paper Action by Atomic Cupcake

Credits:Chipboard Alpha, Papers and Brown Dotted Ribbon - Blush Kit by Jan Crowley of TDC
Buckle, Gellie Flower and Pink Dotted Ribbon - Champagne Wishes and Bubblegum Kisses from Manda Bean's Bean Bag Collection
Metal Alpha - from Manda Bean's Bean Bag Collection

20 May 2006

Loving the weekend

Blogger is acting up and I can't upload the rest of the layouts I created!Have to wait for a while...
Wow May is almost ending, time really flies. The first five months of the year has gone by and I don't think I've done much.
My tummy is itching like crazy...I was warned not to scratch it but its very tempting!
I just realized that it's been four months since I stopped drinking coffee. When I found out I was pregnant I made it a point to stop. I know I can take a cup a day but I didn't want to...for the baby. The first few weeks was hard since I rely on coffee to survive a boring day at work (which is almost everyday) but now I'm fine without it.

19 May 2006

A very late thanks

I'd like to thank everyone who greeted me Happy Mother's Day. This is my first time to receive such greetings...I'm so touched.

We've passed the first trimester!!! I'm so glad my morning sickness is gone. I still feel lazy and I get tired easily nowadays but I'm fine. I have back pains particularly in my right side but my OB said its normal. My tummy is getting bigger and not only that...my breasts are bigger too! I just hope this will help with breastfeeding. I can say I look pregnant now...I finally had the courage to wear my maternity clothes to work.

I must say I have to get use to people touching my tummy whenever they see me...LOL.

18 May 2006

Take a peak

This is me at 18 Weeks

See the dress...this is what I get for asking my 18 year old sister to buy me maternity clothes...lol.

14 May 2006

Happy Mother's Day

13 May 2006

Oh Mother

Here's my tribute to my mom for mother's day...

Credits: Cream paper - Love Notes Kit by Jan Crowley of The Digichick
Ribbons and Floral Paper - Beautiful Me Kit by Mindy Terasawa of Sweet Shoppe Designs
Juicy Paper - Appleberry Pie Kit by Fee Jardine of The Digichick
Flowers and Fasteners - Pastel Posies by Andrea Victoria of Sweet Shoppe Designs

Oh here's another layout..I did one for my youngest sister a couple of weeks back, of course I have to make one for my other sister :)

She'll be a senior in college this school year...really a grown up now...that's means I'm getting older too :)
Credits: Appleberry Pie Kit by Fee Jardine of The Digichick
Pastelposies by Andrea Victoria of Sweet Shoppe Designs

12 May 2006

Friday Friday

Vesak Day
The festival celebrated with great ceremonial ritual by Buddhists is Vesak Day, which commemorates the birth and enlightenment of Buddha and his entry into Nirvana.

The day starts with chanting of the sutras by saffronclad monks, while devotees visit the temples to pray and meditate and to make offerings. Acts of generosity known as dana are observed by Buddhist organizations and temples. These include the freeing of caged birds and animals, visiting and giving alms to the poor and needy, while some Buddhist youths organize mass blood donation at hospitals. The celebration concludes with a candlelit procession through the streets. Observers as well as devotees are welcome to join in the celebration at Buddhist temples.

For me that means I don't have to work today. As usual I'm creating layouts...here's the first one for today.

Credits: Cool Melons Kit by Mrs. Schmuck available at Scrapdish
Stitching by Shabby Princess

08 May 2006

Good Morning Monday

Am I on scrapping frenzy or what?! Can't believe I've finished my first layout for today...and its only nine in the morning! I'm loving clean layouts at the moment.

Credits: Papers from Authentic Kit by Sara Carling of sweetshoppedesings
Alpha and photo corners from A Day To Remember, a collaborative kit created by the fabulous sweetshoppedesigns designers
Stitching by Shabby Princess

You might have noticed I'm posting this early on a Monday, well I didn't go to work today :) which makes me really happy. And there's another public holiday coming up on Friday...which makes me even more happy :)

Went swimming again with hubby and the kids...I would love to do this every week. If only we have time(sigh).Here's another layout...

Credits: Cocoa paper from Jan Cowley's Blush Kit available at The Digichick
The rest from A Day To Remember, a collaborative kit created by the fabulous sweetshoppedesigns designers


Hubby and I just watched Mission Impossible 3, I must say I enjoyed watching it. The first few minutes of the movie had action scenes right away which was nice and there's not much boring long conversations either. The next movie on my list of "must watch movie" is Da Vinci Code which will be shown here on the 18th, hmmm...that will be the third movie we'll watch this month. I've read the book (thanks to my friend Bang who lend it to me) so I know the story (pretty much like Harry Potter) but still it will be nice to see the film...so I'm looking forward to that.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned it here before but Hubby and I are huge Formula One Racing Fans. Yep, I'm addicted to fast cars. I've only watched it live once at the Sepang Grand Prix two years ago. We missed watching the race today (because we watched MI) but we'll catch the replay tomorrow. I know that Michael Schumacher won though and the other Ferrari driver finished third. I like Jenson Button (of Honda) but I love the Ferrari team. Yep eventhough they performed badly last season. Hey I have a Ferrari laptop to show how much we like them. Only thirteen cars crossed the chequered flag in today's race so I'm sure its a pretty interesting one.

I'm expecting to have more free time in my hands by mid-June and I'm thinking about taking scrapbooking classes (paper) at MWL. I'm entitled to 3 free classes (for spending so much there...lol) so I'm gonna make full use of that. I expect I won't have time to do this once the baby comes...come to think of it I won't have time to do a lot if things when the baby comes, I'm excited all the same. Actually it is because of the baby in the first place thats why I want to learn more about scrapbooking.

07 May 2006

I love weekends

Yesterday was election day here so it was a public holiday...that means I have the whole weekend to spend doing whatever I please :) We didn't go out or anything, just stayed at home...I'm becoming such a home body nowadays. I'm enjoying myself though...had time to catch up on my reading, organize things, surf the net and sleep. I slept too much that I have a throbbing headache when I woke up.

I think my scrapping mojo is slowly coming back...here's the layouts I've finished so far. Hoping to do more...

This layout is a scraplift from CK Mag
Credits: Cutie Pie Sweet Sheets & I Pick You Flowers by Christy Lyle available at sweetshoppedesigns

Credits: Spring Garden & Pretty Miss Kit by Marie Koegelenberg of thedigichick

Credits: She Kit by Robin Carlton of SweetShoppeDesigns
Pearl Diamond & Chrome Fastener - Pastel Posies by Andrea Victoria of SweetShoppeDesigns
Stitching by Shabby Princess

More wedding layouts done...yippee!

05 May 2006

Baby at 16 weeks

I almost didn't want to post this pic of our baby because it scared me a little...lol. As I've mentioned before our little one doesn't want to stay put during the scan so we only got this shot. I think my OB noticed that I was a bit taken aback while staring at the photo that she told me that everything is normal with the baby (but seriously the head reminded me of an alien at first). I guess it was because I haven't seen him for a month, I can't believe how big he is now! As I look at the photo now, I could see his nose and his mouth clearly...so the photo isn't really that bad.

04 May 2006

We're having a...

well we don't know yet

The baby didn't want to show us anything yet. I was really hoping we would know by now but the baby has other plans :) My OB tried her best to make the baby changed position but to no avail. Well our little one was constantly moving mind you but his legs are folded in a way you can't see his "thingy." We had a good look of his butt but thats it...lol. Oh well there's always next time but I just can't stand the suspense...

Here's the video of my ultrasound...you could hear the baby's heartbeat though the rest might just be a blur.

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We're scheduled for the second trimester detailed fetal scan. This scan will take a lot longer than a normal ultrasound and should be done at the hospital itself.

What is examined at the 20 week scan?
Your baby's internal organs are examined in cross sectional views, or "slices" of your baby, which may be difficult -- if not impossible -- for you to make out! Bones will look white on the scan, fluid will be black and soft tissues will look grey and speckled.

The head
The head is usually examined first. A normal head is rugby-ball shaped with a mid-line separating the two halves of the brain which are surrounded by fluid. There is a dumb-bell shaped structure called the cerebellum (hindbrain) at the back of the head.

Spine and abdominal wall
The sonographer will check your baby's spine in both the long view and in cross section, moving through the neck and shoulders to the pelvis. She is making sure that all the vertebrae are in alignment, that the skin covers the spine at the back and the baby's abdominal wall covers all the internal organs at the front.

Heart and stomach
She will look at the heart, which should occupy a third of the chest and point to the left. The top two chambers, or "atria", and the bottom two chambers, or "ventricles", should be equal in size and the valves should open and close with each heartbeat. She will then look beneath the diaphragm to see the stomach, under the heart on the left side. Your baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that it lies in; this can be seen in the stomach as a black bubble.

Kidneys and bladder
The two kidneys are either side of the spine, below the stomach and are usually quite hard to see. If the baby's bladder is full, it's easy to see as a black bubble in the pelvis. If it is empty it should fill up during the scan -- your baby has been weeing every half an hour or so for some months now!

Hands and feet
The long bones and position of hands and feet are examined; the fingers and toes are looked at but not counted.

Placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid
The placenta may be on the front or the back wall of your womb, usually near the top (or fundus) so may be described as "fundal" on your scan report. Many are described as "low" because they reach down to or cover the neck of the womb (cervix). If your placenta is low, another scan will be arranged in the third trimester, by which time most placenta will have moved away from the cervix. (Read more about having a low-lying placenta.)

It is possible to count the three vessels in the umbilical cord but this may not be done routinely. There should be enough amniotic fluid surrounding the baby to allow it to move freely at this stage.

More detailed scan
Some hospitals offer a more detailed scan of the heart to look at the major blood vessels; some also examine the baby's face and lips. Whether your hospital offers this depends on the quality of the scan machines, the time available for each scan and on whether or not the sonographers have had special training to do this.

Okay so I know this is getting boring so I'm gonna end my post here :)

01 May 2006

No work today...loving it!

I'm so glad its a public holiday today...more time to stay at home and rest. I love the month of May, there's another public holiday coming next week! It was a sunny morning so hubby and I together with our nephews went swimming. It was great! It's not everyday I get the chance to lounge by the poolside and soak in the sun, its relaxing and fun...we definitely should do it more often. Fortunately I managed to fit into my normal bathing suit. I think I should be buying maternity ones soon though, my tummy wouldn't fit anymore.

Last night hubby and I went to watch the movie Firewall. I told him this is one of the things we can't do for a while when the baby comes. Watching movies is one of our favorite thing to do. But of course there's always DVDs and our TV is quite big and we can have popcorn at home too so we won't really miss out on anything that much. Speaking of movies, MI 3 will be showing on Wednesday, I think we will watch that one. I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise though especially now that he's with Katie Holmes but I'd still watch the movie...I've watched the previous two.

I have submitted my resignation to some of my CTs. I feel sad as I belong to such great CTs but I feel its the right thing to do at the moment.