04 August 2006

Something to show

This is my 27 weeks pregnant self...finally blogger allowed me to post this here. I've been trying since yesterday, is it because of the photo?Lol.

I got lots of digiscrapping goodies from my CTs today, will work on that later. I'm part of yet another wonderful CT...Dawn Wilson's. I'm so excited. I must say I really enjoy designing layouts for Baby J's baby album at the moment, I just finished a two-page layout. I'm checking out different scrapbooking sites for Baby/Babyish kits I could use. Its all about pastel colors!

Hmmm...everyone seems to be moving their blog somewhere else these days, I must update my links.

03 August 2006

Cleaning Up

Yup thats what I need to do. I'm clearing up space in my hard disk to make way for new kits and layouts. I don't have a backup of everything in my hard disk (much to Aggie's horror...lol), so if anything happens (knock on wood) I'll be one sorry woman. Come to think of it, backing up files is pretty easy to do, just insert a blank CD and a few clicks...Nero will do the rest of the work for me. So now I have backed up the PSD files of my layouts, after that I can delete it off my HD (and free up almost 10GB of disk space). I will only keep the JPEG files in my HD for viewing purposes. I'm also in the process of deleting kits that I won't use (these are old and ugly kits...lol) and those zip files that I've already extracted. I seriously need to organize my kits so I could find something I need easily. I will use Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 for this. Its a tedious task but the more I delay the more kits I acquire...arrrgh more to organize.

Baby J's baby album is coming together pretty well, I'm doing one 8 x 8 album for us and a 6 x 6 album (which I will print twice) for our families back home. I tried printing it using our printer and it turned out pretty nice, I love how realistic and detailed the pages looks. Oh and we got a new printer...I bet the print out would be way better if I use that :)

I also need to clear our closets. I just can't believe how much clothes we have (especially me). I found clothes that we haven't even worn yet (yeah with price tag still intact). Mind you I already packed away my office clothes last month. I need to free up closet space to justify shopping for clothes :) Maybe give those clothes we won't be wearing anymore to Salvation Army or send back home.

Just thinking of these things makes me feel tired already but I have to do this somehow...

02 August 2006

My Pregnancy at 29 Weeks

Note: Scroll below for my ramblings...

How your baby's growing Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to accommodate his brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester. To keep yourself and him well nourished, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium. (About 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton — which is now hardening — every day.)

Note: Experts say every baby develops differently — even in utero. This developmental information is designed to give you a general idea of how your baby grows in your womb.

How your life's changing You should be able to feel your baby's movements strongly now. Pay attention to the kicks and nudges, and let your practitioner know if you ever notice a decrease in activity. She may ask you to do fetal kick counts to make sure everything's okay.

Some old friends — heartburn and constipation — may take center stage again. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation, coupled with the crowding in your abdomen, slows your digestive process, which can cause gas, especially after a big meal. Another problem you can credit to your growing uterus (and constipation) is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids — which are simply swollen blood vessels in your rectal area — are very common during pregnancy and usually clear up soon after delivery. If they're itchy or painful, try soaking in a sitz bath and applying a hot pad or cold compresses medicated with a little witch hazel to the affected area. Also avoid sitting or standing for long stretches. Talk with your practitioner before using any over-the counter remedies during pregnancy, and let her know if you have any rectal bleeding. To prevent constipation, eat a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of water, and get some regular exercise.

A small number of women get something called "supine hypotensive syndrome" during pregnancy. When they lie on their backs, they get a change in heart rate and blood pressure that makes them feel dizzy until they change position. You might note that you get dizzy if you stand up too quickly, too. To avoid getting the spins, move slowly as you go from lying down to sitting and then standing.

Source:Baby Centre
* * * * *

Wow I can't believe I'm 29 weeks pregnant now!!! Everything is well, baby J's active and aside from a heavy tummy I'm feeling okay. No leg cramps and visible stretch marks (though I'm expecting it to appear this month). I can't sit nor stand for a long period of time, I have to lie down every now and then. When baby J kicks are give me discomfort I just grab hubby's hand and put it in my tummy, that seems to make her stop. We will buy a cot this month as well as a stroller. I'm eyeing for a graco stroller and a cot that has a mattress size of 28 x 52 (since I have comforter sets with matching bumper guards for this size). Oh and I have to get a breast pump too. And I would love that Fisher Price Infant To Toddler Rocker and that Close and Secure Sleeper but those items can wait.

You may not see any layouts posted recently but I've been scrapping like crazy...lol. I attended a paper scrapping class last week and I had fun. I'm considering trying it out for baby J's album. Of course I'll still be digiscrapping, I'm thinking of printing out papers to use for paper scrapping so I could still use my digital kits. Next week I'll be attending a class and we will be doing an A-Z baby brag book....it's going to be fun.