28 June 2006

OC Mom

I made a list of all the baby stuff we have as of today, I plan to bring this along with my everytime I go shopping to remind myself of what I have and not overbuy a particular item. Talk about being OC...lol. Must transfer the file to my mobile phone later.
Bits and Pieces
Mittens - 17 pairs
Hat - 5 pcs.
Bootee - 6 pairs
0 - 6 months - 12 pairs
6-12 months - 4 pairs
Bib - 12 pcs.
Wipe Cloth - 12 pcs.
Burping Cloth - 4 pcs.
Wash Cloth - 8 pcs.
Receiving Blanket - 2 pcs.
Blanket - 2 pcs.
Hooded Towel - 2 pcs.

Short Sleeve Body Suits/Onesie
New Born - 3 pcs.
3 months - 7 pcs.
3-6 months - 6 pcs.
9-12months - 3 pcs.
Cotton Wrap Vests
New Born - 6 pcs.
3-6 months - 2 pcs.
Sleep suits
3 - 6 months - 5 pcs.
Frogsuit w/ Hood
New Born - 2 pcs.
PJs (medium) - 2 pairs
Everyday Clothes
Small (blouse & shorts) - 4 pairs
Medium (blouse & shorts) - 2 pairs
Large (blouse & shorts) - 5 pairs
Dresses and Outfits
Dress - 2 pcs.
Outfits - 6 pairs

Feeding Bottles (Avent)
4 oz - 6 pcs.
9 oz - 3 pcs.

27 June 2006


Here's my latest (and only) layout, it took me two days to finish this. I just couldn't find the right embellishment. In most layouts I create it takes me a couple of hours but this one was a challenge. In the end I gave up and just let it be...

Kraft paper and notebook paper - Little Black Dress kit by Jan Crowley
Photoprong and Printed paper - Treasured kit by Mindy Terasawa
Pin and Date Tag - A Day to Remember Kit by Sweet Shoppe Designers
Staples- Emma's Sundress by Michelle Coleman
Tie - Tie it Embellies by Jackie Eckles
Flowers and Messy Stitching - by Katie Pertiet
Foam Alphabet - by Linda GB

In other news, I've been experiencing mood swings lately. Good thing hubby is very understanding. I'm having a hard time sleepin. I hate having the lights on! I'm now officially fat...lol. Of course with a growing baby in my tummy I will have a steady weight gain...and maternity clothes doesn't help much either. Sometimes I look bigger than I really am because of the maternity clothes but what the heck...its comfy. When you're pregnant, being comfy is the most important thing. Though I know that maybe half of my weight gain is because of the baby (the other half is because of all the food I eat...lol) sometimes I can't help but panic when I see myself in the mirror. Nevermind, I'll just lose the weight (cross fingers) after I give birth.Well fter seeing how skinny my SIL is after giving birth (due to lack of sleep mostly) I'm confident that I will. Bottom line is no matter how much I understand that gaining weight and feeling fat during pregnancy is normal sometimes its a bit difficult to deal with it.
A little rant...I'm saying just a little because I want to maintain this as a happy blog. You see sometimes I wish people would grow up and act their age. Face their demons head on and not be a scaredy cat. Its not very difficult really...seriously if you are disrupting other people's lives don't you feel like its your responsibility? This is getting annoying each day. Some people actually wants to have their life back to normal again.
Oh on a happier note...of my good friend is also pregnant, I'm so happy for her. You know who you are, congratulations again. Hope you won't have a hard time with morning sickness.

26 June 2006

Pregnancy: What is Preeclampsia?

Another name for preeclampsia is toxemia, and to make things even more confusing, many times we obstetricians call it pregnancy-induced hypertension. Whatever you call it (and I'll use preeclampsia here), it is high blood pressure in pregnancy, associated with spilling protein into the urine and often swelling of the face, hands and legs as well. Preeclampsia most often affects women in their first pregnancy, and teenagers or women over 35 are at highest risk. It affects about 5 percent of all pregnancies and does run in families as well. Women who already had high blood pressure before pregnancy are also at increased risk.
Most of the time, preeclampsia develops in the third trimester. One symptom may be edema, or swelling. Swelling of the legs in pregnancy is so common that we often worry only if the face and hands are also significantly swollen. Headaches can also occur, and you should call your doctor immediately about any headache that is especially severe, is associated with blurry vision or spots in front of the eyes, or isn't relieved with acetaminophen (Tylenol). In severe cases, pain under the right ribcage or nausea and vomiting may develop; again, these must be reported to your doctor immediately.

During each prenatal visit, you will have your blood pressure taken and give a urine sample. We do these things to look for developing preeclampsia. Blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 is a sign, as is the presence of a substantial amount of protein in the urine. If you develop these signs, your doctor may draw some blood for tests and recommend bedrest and closer followup. If blood pressure is especially high, if you are spilling a lot of protein into your urine, or if blood tests are abnormal, then the doctor will want to deliver the baby as soon as possible.

The changes that occur with preeclampsia may harm both you and your baby. Severe preeclampsia, with very high blood pressure, may develop into a condition called eclampsia, characterized by seizures. Severe preeclampsia may also lead to liver and kidney damage. As for the baby, the high blood pressure interferes with blood flow through the placenta, and therefore with growth. Also, the placenta may come away from the uterine wall prematurely (this is called "abruption"); this is a true emergency, requiring immediate delivery of the baby to prevent a stillbirth.

The best way to avoid developing any of these problems is to get good prenatal care. If it appears you may be developing preeclampsia, follow your doctor's advice exactly -- if she says you should stay in bed, not work or run around, and sleep on your left side, then do that. Report any of the above symptoms immediately. With close monitoring and appropriate treatment, you and your baby can be safe and healthy.

Source: Kelly Shanahan, MD

23 June 2006

Take A Quiz

You are White Chocolate

You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.
Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.
You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

Leah, pareho tayo ng result...
And while I was at it I took another one...

You are Slinky Heels!

You're an uptown, well put together woman
But you're not too uptight to enjoy a hot club
You're always the best dressed chick in the room
And you'll only settle for the best in men

22 June 2006

My sisters

I got tons of photos of my sisters when I came to Manila. Now I'm all inspired to design layouts! I kinda feel a bit sad because they have tons of photos together without me...it use to be the three of us all the time. You can say moving out puts me out of the picture...lol. Four years seems to be a looong time...but hey I may be out of the photos but definitely not out of their lives.

Papers, Paper corner, Brads and Corner stitching - Emma's Sundress by Michelle Coleman
Stitched border and Mini tags - Lighter Shades of Pale by Michelle Coleman
Flower, Metal button and Alpha - Everyday Bliss by Jen Wilson
Hardware - Little Black Dress by Jan Crowley

Papers and Ribbon - The Egg kit by Robin Carlton
Tied Ribbon, Stitching and Staples - Emma's Sundress kit by Michelle Coleman
Striped Ribbon - Chocolate Cupcake kit by Fee Jardine
Hobo Flowers No. 2 by Katie Pertiet
Foam Alphabet by Linda GB

Baby J's First Kick
I forgot to blog about this since days after it happened we had to fly back to Manila and everything was so hectic. This is one of the highlights of my pregnancy so I have to write about it. I felt her first kick on May 28, 2006. It was a lazy afternoon, I was sitting on the floor and when I stood up (slowly of course) I felt a nudge in my tummy...I knew what it was right away. I can't explain how I felt but it was wonderful. She didn't kick again after that til much later (I was about to sleep). Now I get to feel her movements everyday (hubby too). Those dainty kicks are long gone, now its more like martial arts kicks (lol).Sometimes its really obvious on which side of my tummy she likes to hang out a lot(and that would be on my right side).Ahh the joys of being pregnant...

21 June 2006


Mushroom Pork with Broccoli...yummy!

Its been a while since I tried a new recipe...actually its been a while since I cooked anything. I'm no chef in the kitchen but I'm not a disaster either. There was a time when I love to bake...hmmm must try doing that again.
Funny how I use to think that I'll be bored staying at home all day but there seems to be 101 things to do around here the whole day is not enough. These chores keep me on my toes so boredom, what's that? Thanks to hubby for convincing me to have this time for myself before the baby comes (bless my husband for being so kind). We both know the realities of having a child...its no easy task but we're looking forward to it.

A short letter for my baby
Dear Baby
Thanks for always moving around mommy's tummy. I get really excited when I feel you move, its like your way of saying "Hi mom." You keep me company all day so I'm not really alone. I promise to buy that fairy tales book I saw at Popular last week so we can read to you. I hope you are hearing the classical music mommy plays for you almost every night, they say its good for you. I hope you hear your daddy's voice when he talks to you and gives you lots of kisses. He loves you just as much as I do. I hope you will like Classic Winnie The Pooh, I'm thinking of making that the theme for you little corner in our room. I can't wait to see you and hold you...but don't hurry my baby, you have a little over three months to go so hang in there 'til its time for you to come out.


17 June 2006

Window Shopping

Yesterday hubby and I went to Suntec City to check out the Baby Stores there, he was feeling better (poor thing had a fever) and I could use the walk. We checked out Mothercare, Kid's Mall, Toys R' Us and Carrefour...I forgot the names of the other shops.
This is one of the cot we saw at Mothercare. We actually prefer the natural finish instead of white to match other furnitures in our bedroom. Our little one will have a corner of our room for her nursery until she is old enough to stay in her own room.

I don't have a photo of the cot we like but its nicer than the one above. It can also be converted into a playpen, sofa bed and toddler bed (assuming that it will last that long...lol).

I'm crazy over beddings, I bought three sets back in Pinas but I saw pretty ones at Mothercare too. I'm really trying to resist the urge to buy them...

I have a Classic Pooh bedding I got from Pinas but this is another design. Pretty huh?!

And it as a matching nappy stacker too...and I don't have this yet. Hmmm...if I'm gonna get the nappy stacker I'll get the bedding as well for sure :)

I realized I didn't buy much sleepsuits for Baby J and mothercare also has lots of cute stuff...

15 June 2006

A recap

Indeed we went home with heavy hearts last week. It was a sad reunion for our family this year. I won't go through the details anymore...we're moving on with our lives. We all know that's what my father in law would have wanted us to do. We know he is happy and at peace now with God. He was a great husband, a loving father and a wonderful grandfather. He won't be forgotten...his memories will be in our hearts.

Moving on...
Travelling Buntis
I didn't have any trouble flying to Manila with a bulging tummy. Our little one didn't move much throughout the flight which was good :)
Scorching Hot
It was really really hot in Manila!!! I can't stand the heat, I had to be in an airconditioned room all the time. Even at malls I find myself longing for my fan.
Retail therapy really makes me happy!
I went shopping for baby stuff! I bought things for hubby and me as well but most of my shopping time was spent at the baby section of the department store. I seem to love classic winnie the pooh right now, I bought the crib set and bumper guard and I absolutely love it. I bought 2 others but pooh is my favorite. We will get a wood cot for baby so bumper guard is a must. Maybe we could have a winnie the pooh themed nursery for baby J (well actually we'll just dedicate a corner of our bedroom for her) since I'm seeing a lot of classic winnie the pooh stuff lately. But of course I could still change my mind, we'll see :)
We had an excess baggage of 3kg but we didn't pay any fee :) My OC side took over and now I have the list of all the baby things I have with their corresponding size, color and brand.
My 20th Week Detailed Fetal Scan
The scan took 30 minutes. It was a tad uncomfortable but seeing our little baby made it worth it. Everything was examined by the doctor. Her heart (and its chambers), spine, hands, feet, kidneys, lungs, thigh bones, fingers, nose, lips, brain, head showed to abnormalities (to my relief).
22 Weeks Pregnant
I can feel the baby move everyday now. Her kicks are a bit stronger now and she's very active at night (when I'm about to go to bed). Hubby get to feel her kicks too from time to time. My last ultrasound showed that we're having a baby girl. I'm hoping my next checkup will show the same result :)

My Pregnancy at 22 Weeks

How your baby's growing: Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in at 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily.
• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently — even in the womb. This developmental information is designed to give you a general idea of how your baby is growing.

How your life's changing: You may start to notice stretch marks on your skin as your abdomen expands to accommodate your growing baby. Some pregnant women never get stretch marks, but at least half do. These small streaks of differently textured skin can range from pink to dark brown (depending on your skin color), and they become more apparent as pregnancy progresses. They can appear not only on your tummy, but also on your buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts. Lotions won't prevent or eliminate them, but they help with any itching. Also, you may no longer be an "innie" — your navel is flat and may soon pop out. It will revert to its usual shape after birth.
Another interesting skin quirk you may notice during pregnancy is something called vascular spiders. These are little areas of raised, reddish skin, with tiny branches. Commonly found on the face, neck, upper chest, and arms, they're caused by the higher levels of estrogen in pregnancy, and they usually disappear after delivery.

14 June 2006

We're back

We got back from Pinas yesterday night but I was too tired to blog. I still have a lot to unpack (yeah I bought loads of baby stuff back home). I would like to thank everyone who left messages of sympathy, it meant a lot to us (especially to me). I have lots of kwento but I will save that for my next post...

For now I have things to do...

02 June 2006


Today we found out that we're having a baby girl. This finding is not 100% accurate but we'd like to believe it for now. I have a lot of things to say about my 20th week fetal scan but maybe I will write about it some other time...

I have other news...

On our way to the hospital my husband received a call from his sister. I knew something bad happened, he didn't tell me anything the whole time we were waiting for my checkup and I knew it was best not to ask. It was difficult to try to maintain a normal conversation but we managed somehow.After my checkup while waiting for my next appointment schedule he broke the news to me,His dad past away of cardiac arrest this morning, he was 66. I told him,we'll talk about it at home. I didn't say anything, I didn't know exactly what to say...so I just held my husband's hand and told him I love him. His hands were cold...for almost seven years together the only time I held his hand this cold was at the church on our wedding day. He told I looked beautiful then we held hands going to the altar, that was a happy moment...this one is different. I really don't know how to comfort him, I wasn't prepared for anything like this. I guess you can never really prepare yourself. All I can do is be with him...

We're going back to Manila this Sunday. Please include us in your prayers...

01 June 2006

My Pregnancy at 20 Weeks

How your baby's growing: Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom, and about 10 inches from head to heel. (For the first 20 weeks, we use measurements taken from the top of the baby's head to her bottom — known as the "crown to rump" measurement. After that, we use measurements from head to toe. This is because a baby's legs are curled up against her torso during the first half of pregnancy and are very hard to measure.)

A greasy white substance called vernix caseosa coats her entire body to protect her skin during its long submersion in amniotic fluid. (This slick coating also eases the journey down the birth canal.)

Your baby is swallowing more, which is good practice for her digestive system. She's also producing meconium, a black, sticky substance that's the result of cell loss, digestive secretion, and swallowed amniotic fluid. This meconium will accumulate in her bowels, and you'll see it in her first messy diaper (although a few babies pass it in utero or during delivery).
• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently — even in the womb. This developmental information is designed to give you a general idea of how your baby is growing.

How your life's changing: You've made it to the halfway mark — Congratulations! The top of your uterus is at the level of your belly button now, and you've likely gained about 10 pounds. Expect to gain an average of about another pound each week from now on. (If you started your pregnancy underweight, you may need to gain a bit more; if you were overweight, perhaps a bit less.) Make sure you're getting enough iron, a mineral that's used primarily to make hemoglobin (the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen). During pregnancy, your body needs more iron for your developing baby and the placenta, and to keep up with your expanding blood volume. Iron-rich foods include lean red meat, poultry, fish, lentils and other legumes, spinach, and iron-fortified cereals.

If you haven't already signed up for a childbirth education class, you may want to look into one. Whether you're a first-timer or a pro, you can benefit from a structured class that helps prepare you for the rigors of labor and delivery. Most hospitals and birth centers offer classes, either as weekly meetings or as a single intensive, all-day session. Ask your doctor or midwife for a recommendation. At 37 weeks, you'll be considered full-term, so plan to be done with classes by then.