20 July 2006

A little bit of this...and that

I have been a busy bee lately. I'm cleaning/organizing our home for baby J's arrival. I tend to do a little each day so I won't get so tired afterwards. We will buy baby J's cot soon so I better make room for that. I still have lots to do, I hope I could finish on time. If you could look at the bottom of this blog (way way down) my ticker says I have about 90 days to go before baby J's arrival.

I'm 27 weeks pregnant now. I've been fortunate enough not to have swollen anything at the moment as well as back pains and leg cramps. One thing that's causing me real discomfort is my itching tummy. No signs of stretch marks yet but I can surely feel my skin stretching. Funny how when you tell people that you're having this tummy itch the only thing they will say is, "don't scratch it or you'll have stretch marks." Its easier said than done, I tell my husband until you could feel how I feel don't use that line on me! Honestly I try my best not to touch my tummy when its itching (like hell) but sometimes I'm weak. I also tell my husband that as long as baby J is okay I could handle this discomfort. Judging on the way she kicks and moves around I think she's doing well :) I like to look at my tummy when she's moving, I can see her moving from one side to another so sometimes my tummy looks a bit loop sided...lol. I swear its so cute. Ahh the simple joys of pregnancy, no itch or stretch marks can take that away from me...


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