06 March 2006

Very Lazy

I haven't updated this blog for almost a week...I haven't done any layouts too. These days I'm just soo lazy to do anything when I come home from work. I'm still being plagued by all day sickness, its hard to eat in the morning...and even harder to find something to eat during lunch time that won't make me want to throw up. Though I don't think I look pregnant, I really have to buy loose clothes this week. My clothes still fits but wearing my jeans is becoming a bit uncomfortable.

We went for a check up a few days ago...and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat!!!! I can't really explain how I felt...but it was amazing. The doctor showed us the baby and pointed out the tiny dot that was blinking in the monitor...that was the baby's heart! After that he let us hear the heartbeat...it was just great. The baby's heart was beating so fast, which was normal of course. I guess this is one of our first with the baby.

That's the baby's heart beat rate


The other day I was chatting with my friend and she told me that she still can't imagine me pregnant. To be honest, sometimes I still can't believe I'm pregnant...but I am...and I'm sooo happy.
We've been thinking about baby names lately...actually I have a name for a baby girl since I was 15 (I wanted the name for myself actually but since I can't have it by baby should right?). But a few people have been telling me that we might have a baby boy, and I don't have any name yet. So I didn my research, I even bought a book of baby names and I've come up with a few choices. I just need to convince my husband and its not weird, hard to pronounce or too common. I tell you he's sooo picky.

I've added a photostrip at the sidebar of this blog...just some of our wedding photos. Here it is...


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