14 March 2007

What's your favorite song?

I have a thing for old songs and I'm often teased by my friends because of that.

13 March 2007

Moving Out

We signed the least agreement last night, we’re moving in to our new home on the last week of March. I feel really sad that we’re moving but at the same time I’m excited about our new home. I must remember, change is good.

I’m thinking of how I’m going to spruce up the place when we move in. It has to be baby friendly of course. I have to call the movers guy too, I hope they won’t charge us much. I don’t think we have so much stuff anyway, well clothes maybe but furnitures not so much.

12 March 2007


I got tons of photos of my sisters when I came to Manila. Now I’m all inspired to design layouts! I kinda feel a bit sad because they have tons of photos together without me…it use to be the three of us all the time. You can say moving out puts me out of the picture…lol. Four years seems to be a looong time…but hey I may be out of the photos but definitely not out of their lives.