03 February 2006

I've been tagged!

By Mari. Oh I just love doing this...

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a sophomore in highschool. My hair was short then and I had bangs (yikes). I had lots of friends and doing great at school.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was a two month old employee of the company I'm working for right now. I was preparing for our church wedding. I think around this time I've already booked my gown designer, church, reception venue and wedding planner.

Five snacks you enjoy:
Tiramisu, crackers, ice cream, cashew nuts, fruits

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
You Needed Me (OUR song), Huling El Bimbo (a Filipino Song), Someone Who Believes In Me, I can't carry a tune so this is all I have

Five bad habits:
Sitting in front of the computer all day, impulsive shopping, staying up late most of the time, biting nails sometimes, not sitting properly sometimes

Five things you like doing:
digiscrapping, Reading, staying at home (and in front of my laptop), Shopping and spending time with DH.

Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:
bangs/very short hair,shoes that are a tad too small, blouses that are too loose (makes me look more plump than I really am), cheap bed linens and unbranded cosmetics.

Five favorite toys:
My Ferrari 4000, our digital camera, my mobile phone, our tv and my digital kits.

Five people I want tagged:
Anyone who wants to answer this can go ahead...


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